วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 25 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 2 Jan 2025

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*Thailand's e-Visa will be implemented in India from 1 January 2025 at 10.00 hrs. (UTC+7), apply at https://thaievisa.go.th/.

 - Announcement on the Implementation of Thailand's e-Visa in India click HERE.

 - FAQs on Thailand's e-Visa click HERE.

**The 60-day visa exemption for Indian ordinary passport holders for tourism and short-term business engagements purposes remains effective until further announcement. 
For more details click HERE. (Lists of the Visa Exemption schemes are below the page)

1. General Information

Type of Visas Category Purpose of visit Type of passports
Tourist TR - Tourism and leisure activities
- Participants of MICE industry supported by TCEP (Letter from TCEP is required)
- Recreation learning or training related activities, e.g., diving, boxing, Thai massage, Thai culinary learning
- Family visit (less than 60 days)
- Football trial
Ordinary passport/
travel document
 MT For medical treatment (less than 60 days) Ordinary passport/
travel document
Transit  TS  To transit to the country of destination Ordinary passport/
travel document
S To participate in sports activities or competitions Ordinary passport/
travel document
Person in charge or crew coming to a port, station or area in Thailand  Ordinary passport/
travel document

(Business/ Employment)

To conduct business, to be employed, internship, or attend conference (extracurricular) Ordinary passport
(Investment through BOI)
To invest or perform other activities relating to investment, subject to the provision of the established laws on investment promotion Ordinary passport


To study, to have a study tour or technical visit to government agencies, international organization, to participate in projects, seminars, conference or training course conducted by government agencies or international organization, to participate in Buddhism activities approved by related government agencies Ordinary passport
To visit family, long-term medical treatment, volunteer, and other activities
Ordinary passport
- To perform official duties,
- To have a meeting or training at the governmental agencies or international organizations
Ordinary passport
To conduct scientific research, training or teaching in a research institute (with an approval from the National Research Council of Thailand)
Ordinary passport
To perform missionary work or other religious activities with the concurrence of the Thai ministries or relevant Government agencies
Ordinary passport

- To work as media, journalist or reporter, a pripor registration with the Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand is required.
- To work as a film production team, a prior registration with the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Thailand is required.

Ordinary passport

Applicants aged over 50 years who wish to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 1 year without the intention of working

For further information, please visit https://longstay.tgia.org/

Ordinary passport
Destination Thailand Visa

Eligible foreigners:
- Digital Nomads/ Remote Workers/ Frelancers
- Participants in activities such as Thai Boxing, Thai Cooking class, sports traning, medical treatment, seminars, and music festivals.
- Spouse and dependent children of DTV holders

Ordinary passport
 Long-Term Resident  LTR 

- Long-term visa which provides a range of tax and non-tax benefits to enhance the country’s attractiveness as a regional hub for living and doing business for ‘high-potential’ individuals.
- There are 4 sub-categories: Wealthy Global Citizens, Wealthy Pensioners, Work-From-Thailand Professionals, Healthy Skilled Professionals and Dependents.
- Please visit  https://ltr.boi.go.th for an application process and further information. 

Ordinary passport
[T / I / E / S / O]

- designed to attract highly skilled manpower, investors, executives and startups entrepreneurs wishing to work or invest in the following targeted industries in the Kingdom of Thailand. SMART Visa holders will be granted maximum 4-year permission to stay, exemption from the work permit requirement and entitled to additional privileges.
- For further information, https://smart-visa.boi.go.th/smart/

Ordinary passport

Diplomatic function
Diplomatic Passport/
UN Laissez Passer
Official function
Official passport/
UN Laissez Passer (blue)
- Diplomatic/ Official/ Ordinary passport holders who wish to enter Thailand for official duty and/or other purposes.
Diplomatic passport/ Official passport/ Ordinary passport
Privilege Entry Visa  PE Must be a member of Thailand Privilege Card
For further information, please visit https://www.thailandprivilege.co.th
Ordinary passport 


Type of Visa Category of Visa  Number of Entries  Validity of Visa Period of Stay (each entry) Fee Checklist & required documents
Tourist  TR/ MT Single  3 months 60 days 2,500 INR  download
TR Multiple  6 months  60 days  12,500 INR
Transit TS / S / C Single 3 months  30 days 2,000 INR download
3 months
30 days
4,000 INR 
B/ IB / ED / O/ F / RS / R / M
3 months
90 days 
5,000 INR 
B/ R-A/ O/ M/ O-A Multiple 1 year  90 days 12,500 INR
B Multiple 3 years 90 days 25,000 INR
Destination Thailand Visa
DTV Multiple 5 years 180 days 25,000 INR download
Long-Term Resident LTR
Multiple  10 years 
1 year 125,000 INR 
BOI website
[T / I / E / S / O]

1 year Report at Immigration Bureau every 1 year 25,000 INR BOI website
2 years 50,000 INR
3 years 75,000 INR Information

4 years 100,000 INR


D/ F
Single  3 months
90 days - download
3 months -
6 months
F Single 3 months  90 days
- download 
Multiple 3 months
6 months -
Courtesy  - Single  3 months
90 days - download
3 months -


2. List of countries and territories entitled to Visa Exemption for tourism and short-term business engagements for a period not exceeding 60 days (click here) ายชื่อประเทศ/ดินแดนที่ผู้ถือหนังสือเดินทางหรือเอกสารใช้แทนหนังสือเดินทางที่ได้รับการยกเว้นการตรวจลงตราสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อการท่องเที่ยวหรือติดต่อธุรกิจระยะสั้น พำนักได้ไม่เกิน 60 วัน (คลิกที่นี่)

3. List of countries and territories entitled to Visa on Arrival  (VOA) to Thailand (click hereรายชื่อประเทศ/ดินแดนที่ผู้ถือหนังสือเดินทางหรือเอกสารใช้แทนหนังสือเดินทางและสามารถขอรับการตรวจลงตรา ณ ช่องทางอนุญาตด่านตรวจคนเข้าเมือง (Visa on Arrival - VOA) (คลิกที่นี่)

4. List of countries and territories which have Bilateral Agreement on Visa Exemption for Diplomatic and/or Official Passports with Thailand (click hereรายชื่อประเทศ/ดินแดนที่ผู้ถือหนังสือเดินทางทูต และ/หรือ ราชการ ของประเทศ/ดินแดนที่มีความตกลงยกเว้นการตรวจลงตรากับประเทศไทย (คลิกที่นี่)

5. List of countries and territories which have Bilateral Agreement on Visa Exemption for Ordinary passports with Thailand (click hereรายชื่อประเทศ/ดินแดนที่ผู้ถือหนังสือเดินทางธรรมดาที่มีความตกลงยกเว้นการตรวจลงตรากับประเทศไทย (คลิกที่นี่)