Cooking class for Thai nationals residing in New Delhi and nearby areas

Cooking class for Thai nationals residing in New Delhi and nearby areas

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 13 Sep 2023

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On 12 - 13 September 2023, the Royal Thai Embassy, New Delhi, organized the cooking classes for Thai nationals residing in New Delhi and nearby areas who mostly are spouses of Indians and foreigners. This project aims to provide opportunities for the participants to enhance cooking skills, including the ability and knowledge to run a small business.

The cooking class is composed of two main activities. Firstly, Thai desserts workshop was taught by specialists from the Department of Skill Development. Secondly, the catering business workshop by experienced Thai chefs from five-star hotels in New Delhi in which the speakers shared with the participants about the techniques and tips for running a catering business. Apart from upscaling the skill and knowledges, the participants have built a closer network among themsleves.

The Royal Thai Embassy gives importantce in strengthening the network and capacity of Thai nationals residing in India, New Delhi, which is in line with the Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand’s 5H Strategy, namely; Head – to broaden knowledge, Hand – to upskill, Heart – to be mentally healthy, Health – to be physically healthy, and Harmony – to be united.

